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Second Session Learners - Take note

Picture of Jackie Knoetze
Second Session Learners - Take note
by Jackie Knoetze - Wednesday, 9 September 2020, 8:05 AM

Good morning parents

If your child attends session 2 please take note of the following arrangements:

1.  Please do not send your child to school with a jacket/jersey if the weather is warm.

2.  Please ensure that your child has a water bottle with him/her.

3.  If your child is in Grade 4-7 please send them with an umbrella or a hat. This is to shield them from the sun a bit.

4.  If your child is in Grade 4-7 please take note that they are allowed to sit or stand in their row on the netball courts.

5.  We are investigating the possibility moving Grade 4-7 from the netball courts to some shaded areas but this is a challenge. We will give feedback as soon as possible.

Kind Regards

Uitsig Primary