Site announcements

School Closed

Picture of Jackie Knoetze
School Closed
by Jackie Knoetze - Monday, 27 July 2020, 7:46 PM

Dear parents 

Following the President's announcement regarding closure of schools for 4 weeks from 27 July, please take note of the following arrangements for the next few weeks:

1. Admissions and the submission of documents for Grade R-7 will remain open from the 27 - 31July at  9:00 to 11: 00 at the  Yelanda street  Gate 3 entrance. Please adhere to these times. 

2. Our school will be completely closed from 3-7 August. Communication between the school and parents will only resume upon the return of the Grade 7 learners. 

3. The official dates for the arrival of the Grade 7 learners as well as the phasing in of the other grades will be communicated to parents at a later stage when more clarity is received from the Department of Education. 

4. Children should continue doing their work that was issued today. Please log on to Moodle account or check WhatsApp uploads to access the work if printed work was not collected. We are appealing to parents who are struggling with the incomplete work of their children,to please take the next few weeks to reconcile and conclude previous work that was issued. 

Please keep safe and warm during these weeks ahead of us . We thank you for your invaluable support.

Regards 🌻

Uitsig Primary